Thursday, September 24, 2009

1 Mini-Session Left and Announcement...

Mini-session appointments have filled up quickly, but I do have 1 slot available for this Saturday, Sept. 26. Email me or give me a call if you are interested in that spot.

Ok, the announcement is not so much of an announcement, but rather something I am thinking of doing....A Photography 101 Workshop. I have been approached by some interested parties regarding this and I want more feedback. The workshop would be for those who own a digital SLR and want to learn how to shoot with modes other than auto. If you have (or haven't) heard of terms like f-stop, aperature, bokeh or ISO and would like to know what they mean and how they work, this would be the workshop for you. We would also do some shooting with models and practice composition, techniques and possibly a mini-photoshop tutorial. The workshop would be limited in registration for a more comfortable learning experience.

Please leave a comment or email me if you would be interested in attending an AGP workshop. Again, it is not set in stone, I am just trying to see what interest is out there. If you are interested, I will put you on the newsletter list to contact you once a Workshop is in the works so you will have the opportunity to register before it is formally announced to the public.

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