Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Sweet...

This family was referred to me by another client who I posted a sneak preview for, so I am going to give them a sneak preview, too.

Babies are so precious and this one was no exception. Mom was so sweet and dad was a trooper.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like....Christmas???

This year is flying by! It is already time to start thinking about holiday portraits and greeting cards.

My holiday session season will officially begin on September 22. This is when I return from end of summer beach sessions and will be ready to roll with holiday sessions.

The deadline for holiday sessions is November 7 and the deadline for ordering holiday cards and portraits is November 21. These deadlines are set to allow time for online proofing, purchase decisions and on-time delivery of holiday orders.

I will be setting one date each month through the holiday season for my holiday mini-sessions. These are 20-30 minute sessions that are perfect for those looking for images to use primarily for greeting card orders. Session fee must be received in order to hold scheduled session time. Portrait order minimums apply.

The first mini-session date is set for Saturday, September 27, location TBA soon. These sessions are limited in number and, as always, will be scheduled on a first come - first serve basis. For those interested in a regular full session on a Saturday, I will be scheduling those on this date as well.

Here's the exciting news. I mentioned in the previous post that I would be doing some session give-aways. I will be giving away 1 mini-session from each mini-session date that I set, so there will be 3 session give-aways. I have structured this give-away so that it would be fair across the board to new and existing clients alike. Let me explain how this will work. You schedule your session as usual by paying your sessin fee to hold your spot. Once all mini-sessions are completed on that date, I will randomly select a name to receive the session give-away for that date. The session fee that you paid to reserve your session will then go straight toward your portrait/card order.

So to re-cap the dates:
Monday, September 22 - Official holiday season kick-off

Saturday, September 27 - First holiday mini-session date and give-away

Friday, November 7 - Deadline for holiday sessions

Friday, November 21 - Deadline for holiday portrait and greeting card orders

As always, please contact me with any questions:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

News, Reminders and Updates, Oh My!

News: 1. It may be hard to believe, but the holiday portrait season is quickly approaching. September through November are crazy busy for holiday sessions. I will be posting in the next few days about 2008 specials and deadlines, so keep an eye out! 2. I am planning some session give-aways...more to come on that. 3. Besides the beach sessions, I will be working on other travel locations for portrait sessions. Any suggestions, let me know.

Reminders: 1. Beach Sessions in the Orange Beach area Sept 18 through the weekend. I can work in a couple of sessions, so call if interested. 2. Saturday Sessions for August available on the 23rd only (September's Saturday Sessions TBA). 3. Seniors...beat the holiday rush.

Updates: Fingers crossed, I will be unveiling my completed website. We have been hard at work preparing to go live with the Flash version of aynsleygibsonphotogaphy.com, so check back often (Mo...thank you, thank you).

I'll close this post with a pic, but let me set it up. I did a session for my friend Renee' and her husband. Renee' helps me out when I am in need of an assistant photographer and reflector holder, ha. Renee's husband is a, for lack of a better word, character (wink, wink to you, John). Anyway, I took my daughter to the session. I'm afraid that she thinks the camera revolves around her. Renee set up this shot she wanted of John, and low and behold who sneaks into the frame...my daughter, of course. The funny thing about it is that she remained very still and eyes half closed as if she were trying to hide in hopes I wouldn't notice her. Too funny! John, I think you've met your match, ha!

Renee', I'll try to remember to post a few more of your pics next post.
