Ok, you may have noticed that I have been M.I.A. the last couple of weeks, but not without a valid reason. Not only is the holiday portrait season coming to a head, we also found out 2 weeks ago that our little girl has diabetes. I had no idea that it could come out of nowhere, with no family history, not to mention she is only 3 years old. Who knew?!
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone (family, friends and clients) for their prayers, kind words and concern for our family. Sadie is doing as well as can be expected considering the complete change in the way her world revolved. Finger pricks are much easier than they were 2 weeks ago and hopefully the shots will get easier soon, too. The diet...well, for a child who eats very sporadically, we're hanging in there. I am slowly coming around, but still have my weak moments.
I am currently playing catch-up and hope to be up to date with everything very soon. Thank you, again, for your prayers and please continue to remember us as we try to adjust to our new way of life (fingers crossed for a cure!).